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The members of the 2020 Oklahoma Youth Orchestra.

Oklahoma Youth


Outstanding Students. Amazing Music.

The audition window has closed, but if you are still interested in joining, please contact us at



ensembles meeting weekly from September–May


students and families served each year


scholarships and financial aid awarded in 2020

Oklahoma Youth Orchestras features 12 ensembles and a summer camp that serve a diverse student body of over 400 young musicians from all over the region. ​We foster creativity, teamwork and leadership through a strong commitment to excellence in music.


Learn more about our ensembles and programming!


Learn more about our OKYO team!


Support our mission through donations!

Oklahoma Youth Orchestras

“The opportunity to work with other young musicians in the Oklahoma Youth Orchestra on the great orchestral repertoire was an important part of my learning experience. The teamwork, individual preparedness, and spirit of willingness required to make music on this scale are values that every teenager should cherish, and these have carried me through my musical development.”


Joshua Roman, cellist and OKYO Alumnus


Richard and Glenna Tanenbaum

Season Presenting Concert Sponsor

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Ad Astra Foundation

Everett Family Affiliated Fund

Robert Glenn Rapp Foundation 

Vogt Family Affiliated Fund

E.L. and Thelma Gaylord Foundation

McCasland Foundation

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If you'd like to keep in touch with us regarding audition information, upcoming events, and more–please fill out the form to be added to our mailing list!

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